To the reader. Their are some, who claim that christianity possesses contradictions located inside of such a religion. scripturally, or otherwise/.. yes, the christian scriptures are apparently filled with many contradictions. such as? well, here is one contradiction, for example. luke 12: 51 compares with revelation 19; 11 in saying that jesus picks up a sword to kill devilish humans and devishish evil spirits unendingly. yet the prophet isiah says through christian scripture that jesus is the prince of peace. in connection to matthew 5. yet, if jesus is the prince of peace, who pleaded with God, IN ALIGNMENT TO LUKE 22:42,,, not to let him die on the cross in defiance of the holy spirit of christianity's words spoken through jesus christ himself in fact' in mark 8: 35, ''for example''REGARDING QUESTIONS OF LOGIC--as 2nd peter 1: 19-21 curtails clearly,IN FACT ALSO FOR THE RECORD- then on that sam...