WHAT PART OF THIS EXISTENCE CAN REFUTE THE FACT THAT TRUTH IS STRANGER THEN FICTION IS, IN ANY LIFE A MORTAL CREATION PARTICIPATES IN? THAT IS A STATED TRUTH FOR THIS LIFE. connected to many concepts of this life. including the following. The Official Home of the Bell Witch | An American Haunting www.bellwitchcave.com/ The Bell farm is in a secluded area in Adams , Tennessee and it is a very beautiful representation of the state of Tennessee with it's rolling green hills and farm land. If you are interested in paranormal activity or if you are a history buff then the Bell Witch Cave and Farm will definately not dissapoint. If you like canoeing or ... The Legend of the Bell Witch · A Bell Witch Halloween · Bell Witch Cave Home YET, WHY IS THAT A LITERAL TRUTH IN THIS LIFE. WHY? OBVIOUSLY THAT IS A LITERAL TRUTH IN THIS LIFE DUE UNTO THE FACT THAT HUMANS DELIBERATELY IGNORE THE REAL FUNCTIONS OF CHRIST'S TRUTHS, FOR THE M...